D.Y. Sao
D.Y. Sao is a Martial Arts Expert / Fight Choreographer and Actor
on The KungFu Heroes and USURP Productions
D.Y. Sao was up and running before the age of 10 months and was notorious as a baby for finding hidden food. It was almost like he knew that one day those were going to be his super powers. After graduating in 2003 with a Bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of California, Irvine, it was only right for D.Y. to exploit his hunger for life by entering the arts. Acting was the craft he chose coupled with his life long journey of being a martial artist. He is now co-owner of a company called Usurp Productions, specializing in action fight scenes. Having had extensive training in 7 different martial arts disciplines and being a devoted actor, D.Y. has a love for creativity and enjoys combining and experimenting in various ways with both fields. D.Y.’s enthusiasm and hunger for life is evident in his work.
1) What first sparked your interest in Martial Arts?
The desire for power and really just curious.
2) How long have you been doing Martial Arts?
27 years.
3) What makes Martial Arts/Wushu special to you? How?
To me, Martial arts creates wonder. I'm not sure why. It is just so intriguing. That is all. Wushu is a special type of martial art in my opinion. While other arts train you to defeat an opponent, the Wushu way trains you to defeat yourself.
4) What keeps you motivated to continue your training?
To be honest, I just can't stay away.
5) What goes through your mind before you compete/prepare for a project?
2 things. Fear and determination. Film-making is the same but as experience grows, confidence builds, and fear is short lived.
6) Do you have a ritual/certain preparations you use to improve your mindset?
ALWAYS. I make use of prayer, Cambodian traditional customs, along with listening to music and dancing.
7) What are the biggest moments in your Martial Arts career?
2003 Wushu World Games in Macau, China.
8) Who inspired you to do Martial Arts?
Myself, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Donnie Yen.
9) What projects are you working on now?
1. Opening a green screen studio and full production house with Blue Kanji Films.
2. Acting/Producing - Filming a feature beginning of 2014.
3. Choreography - Fight design for a feature/franchise with heavy CGI.
10) How has Martial Arts helped you in the film business?
Discipline and expression.