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Produced by Philip Sahagun


Six members of the Martial Arts team Kung Fu Heroes embark on an epic journey through Germany, Holland, Ireland and Belgium. The journey was documented and partially released as a web series sharing the team's adventures while encountering the weird, wild and downright outrageous personalities that help define the international landscape. 


Whether they’re at Oktoberfest, learning the meaning of life in Amsterdam’s Red Light District, or receiving a little too much brotherly love from the muscles in Brussels, the heroes refuse to yield to common sense when adventure comes calling.


However, it's not just the outrageous that best captures our team’s attention. In a world full of confusion, building an understanding and appreciation for how others live is akin to uncovering secret sanctuaries to study life’s mysteries. Our team, comprised of students, philosophers and friends are searching for a true glimpse of how people live their lives in these seemingly close, yet highly unfamiliar territories.

From the fog-shrouded mountain of China’s Shaolin Temple, to the towering shadow of gothic cathedrals, "Kungfu Heroes" provide viewers with a collision of authentic martial arts skills in life’s modern day circus. Join the Team on a journey to discover themselves in the cities, villages and countries that holds life’s truest heroes.


Shot by Luke Dejoras / Edited by Kyle Tettelbach

© 2016 by KUNG FU HEROES. All rights reserved.

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