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Mark Poletti

Mark Poletti is an Traceur/ Martial Artist

on The KungFu Heroes and USURP Productions


Originally from Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Mark moved out to California to pursue film and martial arts. But his journey into movement began with gymnastics and parkour training. Mark has coached numerous athletes from the ages of 5 to 60 - some to a national competition level. Mark coached boys team gymnastics at KMC Gymnastics in PA before making the big move. A traceur (what parkour practitioners are called!) and gymnast for six years, and a martial artist for five - Mark is developing himself as a teacher and student at South Coast Martial Arts.

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1) What first sparked your interest in Martial Arts?

My first initial spark in martial arts was actually Star Wars. I am a huge star wars geek and while looking at behind the scenes stuff for Star Wars I stumbled upon Kendo. After that It was really just a geeky kid playing with a sword until I discovered the South Coast Martial Arts training camp. I originally wanted to be a parkour / free runner but after getting exposed to Wushu / Shaolin Kungfu - I knew this was what had been looking for!


2) How long have you been doing Martial Arts?

I've been doing martial arts for five years, but really seriously training for the past three. 


3) What makes Martial Arts/Wushu special to you? How?

When I first came to the SCMA camp - there was about thirty three of us. And for me that was the first time I had been in a martial arts place where there was that many people who all wanted to train and were intereted in a lot of the same things. We all came there for our own reasons, and many of them were the same. People came from all over the USA and some even outside of it. But no matter where we came from, or what culture - we all were there to learn and push ourselfs to our limits! It was that sense of community, that really got me to want to push. We were all suffering, learning, and leveling up together. We all helped eachother out, and cheering eachother on. And there is one thing that does't really change from country to country - that hardship you go through when you train hard. Wushu specifically is special to me because its so hard haha! It pushes you physically and mentally and after all the hard training we go through, you always come out a better person. Its really taught me that no matter how much pain I go through - I can always know that with the right mindset, you can get through it.


4) What keeps you motivated to continue in Martial Arts?

Wushu and Kungfu, to me has never gotten easier. It is constantly pushing you and exploiting any weakness you have in your mind, or physically in your body or skill. It is really constantly challenging. But it is always changing, and to see progress on something that when you first learned was insanely hard, is a really gratifying experience. I also want to share martial arts with people, and if I want to continue to do that, my skill has to keep progressing. I mean who would want to learn how to play basketball from someone who can't dribble?


5) What goes through your mind before you compete?

Nervousness, anxiety, did I drink enough water today? I need to go to the bathroom! A lot races through my mind right before, but as soon as I step onto the carpet or mat, everything just goes blank and I go full out! There is really nothing you can do the seconds before to change how you will perform, so I just forget about it all, and perform it the best I can for how I am in that moment.


6) Do you have a ritual or are there certain preparations before a competition or demo? 

I need to have good music! There are a lot of songs and styles of music that get me pumped up. I try to get a song stuck in my head that makes me feel really good. I am a big believer that if you feel good, and your confidence is up, that you will look good when you perform. (Obviously there has to be some training in there!) I like to be an entertainer and entertaining people makes me feel good. So usually on stage or competing, I get really pumped up! One pre-demo/competition habit I have is having a small energy drink (usually coffee or redbull). It is definitely not the healthiest habit in the world, but that inital spark of energy gets me moving and by the time it wares off - my blood is moving and I am awake the rest of the day.


7) What are the biggest moments in your Martial Arts career?

How has Martial Arts changed your life?

One of the biggest moments in my Martial Arts Career was definitely getting to perform at a cultural festival in Saudi Arabia. I was pretty scared going over there with all the media that had been going on at the time, and there were some pretty scary announcements happening in the country at the time. But after seeing the culture and the people there, it was a really amazing experience! I never thought I'd get to travel, and before I started doing martial arts I didn't have a real want to. But I was lucky enough to travel to Europe and the middle east to perform and teach with Kung Fu Heroes back in 2011 and it was an eye opening experience. Getting to see peoples lives and where they live, beyond my own very minuscule view in the USA changed how I wanted to be as a person. I wanted to meet new people all over and see their views on just about everything! I also wanted to bring my skill level up so when I could share martial arts with people, it was the best I could show.


8) What is your long term goal involving Martial Arts?

My long term goal is to make a career out of martial arts. Whether its teaching and owning my own school down the line, or doing choreography in action films! I want to push myself to the best I can possible get!


9) What is one of your short term goals involving Martial Arts?

Some of my short term goals are definitely to increase my flexibility. It is probably my biggest obstacle in my training and definitely a weakness for me. So overcoming that...I think will definitely level my kung fu up not in just training but mentally too! I also want to keep competing, doing shows, traveling and teaching all over the world!



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