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Wes Scarpias AKA WushuWes is an Actor/ Martial Artist

on The KungFu Heroes and a Hyper Athlete.


Wes Scarpias currently resides in Los Angeles, and is one of the Choreographers for the International Martial Arts Action Team the Kung Fu Heroes. Wes started martial arts at age 9 and has an extremely diversified martial arts background from Judo to Krav Maga; Wes specializes in weapons and fight choreography for stage and film. His home school is the Jing Institute of Chinese Martial arts and culture in San Diego, California. Wes has trained in China on 3 extended trips with the Beijing, and Shanghai wushu teams, as well as at one of the world-renowned martial arts cultural epicenters - the Shaolin Temple.


Wes was a member of the first Jr. US Wushu Team, choreographed and performed on America’s Got Talent for a live broadcat to over 11 million viewers, in live productions his work has captivated audiences of over 10,000 plus for the US based Anime Expo and Comic Con, as well as King Abdul Aziz center for World culture in Saudi Arabia. Wes has taught and performed nationally and internationally in Germany, Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Entertainment clients include Target, LG, Nintendo, Fresh and Easy, Play-Fi, Rad Pad, PBS, Tiger Claw,, Olessen SSL, Game Show Network, international Music acts Ho Ngoc Ha (Vietnamese Beyoncé), Passion Pit, and Stunt coordinated the feature film Horror Comedy Helen Keller vs. Night Wolves. Wes has also trained extensively as an actor and dancer, and thrives when working with talent with skill sets outside of martial arts to create collaborative art.


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1) What first sparked your interest in Martial Arts?

Martial Arts has always held a place in my heart since the first time I saw someone wield a sword in a movie, I knew I wanted to be that person.


2) How long have you been doing Martial Arts?

I have been doing martial arts since I was 9 years old, it all started with judo so that is about 16 years. I have cross trained in many styles but wushu has been my main focus, and my hyper focus within has been straight sword and spear.


3) What makes Martial Arts/Wushu special to you? How?

It was my first real passion and has done much to shape my body and mind, it has been a real positive force in my life.


4) What keeps you motivated to continue in Martial Arts?

The many bonds that have been forged and also the positivity I get from it is all the motivation I need.


5) What goes through your mind before you compete?

I try not to think about it and just act like a competition is just another day. The real competition is within yourself, the value you place upon the competition is your choice. Which sounds cheesy but it is true.


6) Do you have a ritual or are there certain preparations before a competition or demo?

Not really, I go over my form, stretch, make sure I am warm, and then let it all go so I can do my best, which only happens if I don't put undue pressure on the situation.


7) What are the biggest moments in your Martial Arts career?

I have been able to travel with my best friends as a martial artist, which to me is a huge achievement because experiences and not trophy's are what life is all about. I am also lucky enough as a teacher to have the opportunity to make a positive impact.


8) Was your involvement in Martial Arts the path way to the entertainment business?

I've found myself in the entertainment industry and martial arts was my direct link into it, as it led to other artistic endeavors namely acting, writing, and choreography.


9) How would you like to mix both professions?

I currently love to produce content which blends martial arts with other art forms to tell stories.


10) What is your ultimate goal? Writer, choreographer, etc…

I am living my ultimate goal, which honestly and humbly is hard to remember at times. I teach, I make projects with my best friends, I perform, and I can manifest projects that involve all the artistic elements I love so much. I am one lucky duck.

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