Sebastian Castellanos is a Martial Artist / Model
on The KungFu Heroes and a Hyper Athlete.
Sebastian was introduced to Martial Arts when he was twelve by his mother, but it wasn’t until the age of 14 that he realized what it meant to him. As time went on he become more and more absorbed in the philosophy and teachings behind the arts and began to share his love with others as a teacher at South Coast Martial Arts. Today he is an aspiring model and motivational speaker; his specialties include Hookswords, Scorpion and the rare two finger zen skill.
1) What first sparked your interest in Martial Arts?
I started when I was twelve but didn't know there was actually something special to Martial Arts till I was about fourteen. That something special was the enjoyment and peace of actually living inside myself.
2) How long have you been doing Martial Arts?
Since I was twelve.
3) What makes Martial Arts/Wushu special to you? How?
The inner transformation is the only thing I really care about now. Of course I want to look as amazing as possible but again that comes from inner development, for me personally. I like to think of it as "seeking the kingdom within and all else will be added unto me" mentality.
4) What keeps you motivated to continue in Martial Arts?
The Freedom. I have notice a powerful connection between the progression in my training and the progression in my over-all life. I don't really see the difference any more.
5) What goes through your mind before you compete?
In the beginning is was like "OH CRAP! OH CRAP! OH CRAP!". But at the last competition I was more comfortable, like "I got this! I got this! Mistake or no mistake, I got this!"
6) Do you have a ritual before a competition or demo? If so, what are they?
Mostly just walking there the forms. And I also make sure I say "Hi" to everyone I know and, wether I am competing against them or not, I make them feel at home. When I does this I notice that I am happier and feel better when competing.
7) What are the biggest moments in your Martial Arts career?
Definitely the traveling. Oh My Goodness! Amsterdam, Ireland, Paris are some of my most cherished places I ever been to. I hope to go back!
8) Has Martial Arts influenced your perspective on life? How?
It has. Biggest is probably the stepping into the more authentic self and creating a more authentic life , with me in control of my destiny.
9) Where do you see your journey heading?
I dont kno but I am excited. Every time i try to plan it ends up just changing anyways. I just keep to doing my best and growing!
10) Do you have any short term or long term goals involving Martial Arts?
Main thing right now just to refine my craft and my self!