Shi Yan Hong
Master Shi Yan Hong is a Martial Arts Master & Teacher
on The KungFu Heroes and Shaolin Warrior Academy
Master Shi Yan Hong is a 34th Generation Disciple of Shaolin Temple. Born in Anhui, Master Yan Hong entered monastic life to study martial arts as well as Chan Buddhism under the tutelage of Shaolin Temple's Abott Shi Yong Xin. His special skills in martial arts eventually led to him being chosen to join Shaolin's Wuseng Tuan or (Martial Monks Corps) to travel locally and abroad to promote Shaolin's Unique Culture.

​His specialties include traditional Shaolin forms, weapons, such as double sword, and imitation styles, such as drunken boxing, leopard, snake etc. Currently Master Yan Hong is teaching at his very own Shaolin Warrior Academy in Westminister CA.
1) What made you interested in martial arts?
As a child I loved to move. I watched Kung Fu films and grew up near a number of martial arts schools. It was always a thing of admiration for me.
2) How often do you practice martial arts?
When living in Shaolin Temple I practiced at least 8 hours through morning, afternoon and night, the training was both hard and soft.
3) What makes martial arts special to you?
Martial Arts can strengthen one’s life but providing mental and physical well being.
4) What keeps you practicing martial arts?
I want to transmit the culture of Shaolin Temple to people from all walks of life. The wisdom stored within our cultural legacy spanning over 1,500 years of refinement is truly inspiring.
5) When you perform what do you want people to think?
When I teach and when I demonstrate I don’t like to show off, I simply like to share what I’ve learned and hopefully I’ll impact them in a positive way.
6) Before a competition or before a show, do you have any specific rituals?
While in the temple we never competed in any competitions of any kind, but we did share our art with a large number of people through demonstration, generally speaking before performing I try to get in the mindset to share myself and my understanding of Shaolin Kung Fu as authentically as possible.
7) Your martial arts career, what is your most glorious moments?
I do not differentiate between experiences, they are all of importance.
8) Is teaching martial arts in america exciting?
It is has always been a wish for me to teach and pass on Shaolin Culture to others. I am happy to get this chance.
9) Will you still practice martial arts in your future life?
Of course, I believe my practice has transcended a view point that has room for a beginning or an end. Because of that, my life in regards to martial arts can never be measured and can never be calculated. It is constant circle of continual dedication and refinement.